Sunday, 5 January 2014

Sunday Confession #Regrets

I have been chewing on that word for a very long time.
 It's bittersweet in my mouth because for some of my big regrets there also came something wonderful.

On the surface I can say so easily, I regret that decision but then when I really dig deep down, right to the bloody core of it, I can see slivers of beauty intertwined all throughout.
Regret of being with my ex is laced with every smile, every tear, every hug, every moment with my little one.

But there are things I do truly wish that I could go back and do over.
I regret not standing up for myself and for others.
I regret not speaking up because I was too afraid that I would be unliked.
I regret not showing those closest to me how much I was really hurting.

I regret not fighting when I should have.
That's a big one. I'm not a fighter. I hate conflict.
I would rather hide my head in the sand instead of face something head on.

My regrets are my armor and I think it's about time I take it all off.


  1. Take it all off. Something tells me you are strong without it. Thanks for being here this week!
